Friday, December 14, 2012

Disarmament facial and body hair permanently

There is no doubt that the problem of the emergence of thick hair on the face and all over the body in women is a major problem - where to thick hair cause psychological condition and grief of the woman who always strives for beauty and cosmetic full to be of great beauty - is no longer a problem thick hair in women is the great difficulty, such as the former, as the treatment and the proper methods for hair removal is easy, easy.

Where available devices epilator Electric is the machines small size can epilator easily as well as some chemical-based medicines such as cream hair removal as well as dough famous you Balnzaa too, but all of those roads are Epilator temporarily for a limited period and then return the hair again to appear again, which causing the problem in women.

Here we are offering ways of how to disarm the hair for long periods of time may be permanently
First: Mixture consisting of olive oil in addition to soap grated contains is also in its compounds on olive oil - in addition to salt coarse and not smooth in addition also a little bit of rosewater, and is mixed everyone mentioned above until such decent and are fat areas of the body and face and massaged well and leave for two hours and then wash the body and face thoroughly with water.

Second: is waxing well in any way, such as Maker waxing or paste or cream to disarm hair, then we come water Homs after we leave chickpeas in water for one day fully come this water is fat areas of the body and face after waxing it and painted it well , and have it for a month almost every day - and the benefit of hummus or chickpeas it prevents water stimulate hair roots of germinating again, which helps to stop the growth of the roots of the hair.

Third: use lasers famous and is available in private hospitals and clinics which are made by specialist doctors for hair removal, and have the effect of a strong hide hair permanently - but that method have their drawbacks - where the doctor must be a specialist and successful owner of expertise in this area - and because rays laser have a negative impact where it is in non-use safely can cause some skin burns and skin - not every doctor he can use lasers, but must have a doctor who specializes and has great experience and that the safety of the skin from any negatives.

For more general information and diverse

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